Workshops and Courses:
Full days for your very own self care.
I used to think self care meant taking a bath with candles, but it is so much more, (as you will find out in the practise and the manual.)
It has such far reaching effects not only on yourself, but every single person you interact with.
Every single person!
Yoga is hands down one of the best self-care tools. Spending time on your mat can benefit your brain, heart, and bones. Taking care of yourself can create a ripple effect of positivity in your mind and body. As our lives become more hectic and frenetic. With jammed-full calendars and a seemingly constant stream of messages pinging our phones and computers, self-care practices become paramount. These practices will relieve mental stress, melt muscle tension, and help you feel more confident that, yes you can tackle your lengthy 'to-do' list and handle whatever else may come.
When we use simple tools to relax, we feel better about ourselves and more in charge.
As well as flowing and exquisite Yoga and remarkable breathing routines, we will use the extraordinary Mudra practises.
A Mudra to strengthen a fearless connection to your heart’s truth and expand your courage to follow your truth. Another great Mudra for us will be one to remember that the very essence of yourself is love and radiance and will open you up to bloom and blossom.
Simple, easy and very powerful.
This day is for you.
It goes beyond the day into your life.
There will be a luscious, nutritious lunch and a manual to take home to support the day with many, many wonderful ideas and suggestions for you to become the best version of yourself
Relax And Restore.
It is particularly suitable for those times when life feels too stressful or if your energy is low.
In this approach we are not looking for a stunning posture, we are looking for time and space where we can fill the body with more 'aliveness' and vitality. It is a unique opportunity to experience the healing restorative aspects of Yoga. Using comforting props you will be guided through sequences of soothing, restful poses with gentle attention on the breath. This will renew and balance your energy. Research shows the many health benefits of Yoga are: improved sleep, release of tension, improved heart function and respiration, release of toxins, regulating blood pressure and boosting the immune system.
This class suitable for all levels and ages and particularly beneficial to those with an illness or injury.
It is about total relaxation.
A wonderful day to nourish yourself and bring yourself back home.
It is not indulgence. It is a vital part of your life.
There will be a heavenly vegetarian or vegan lunch, drinks and nibbles to nurture and sustain your inner self.
(please give me notice of any special diets)
It’s a full day-out to recharge and reset your whole being.
Experience this opportunity to care for yourself like never before.
(Please be sure to read the full booking conditions below)
Important Notice regarding Booking Conditions
All the above workshops are very special and offer much more than a regular weekly class. Places are limited in number to allow for more individual space, a comfortable learning environment
and for individual personal attention.
They are not drop in classes and places must be booked in advance.
A phone call or email will only provisionally reserve your place, and booking will only be confirmed on receipt of the specified deposit and a signed booking form.
The balance must then be paid before commencement of the class.
If you do not attend on the day you will be expected
to pay the full amount for your unused space.
For a day or half-day workshop, if you change your mind and are able to inform me well in advance I may be able to re-allocate your booking and you would then not be liable for payment.
If I am unable to do so, the above terms will apply to all
workshops and courses, full payment will be due.
One year courses must be paid in full regardless of attendance
Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
Please Note:
To register your interest in future events and be contacted
when dates are announced please:
Phone: 01457 870453
or By Email: info@marilynyoga.com